Kurri Kurri Public School

Transforming lives through learning

Telephone02 4937 1235


P and C News

Upcoming Meeting

Tuesday, 19th of November

Our Parents and Citizens' Association (P&C) strengthens school and community links.  Parents, teachers and community members help meet the needs of the school community and contribute to decisions about the school. 

Our Parents and Citizens Executive Committee

President Toni Buxton
Vice Presidents Jenna Jones, Bianca Wurst
Treasurer Charlene Evans

Membership and Meetings

The P&C welcomes all new members. Meetings are held on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 6 PM.

Our fundraising

Some of the many P&C fundraising events include Mother's and Father's Day stalls, pie drives, and stalls at various community events. 

Previous fundraising efforts have resulted in the purchase of air conditioning, an electronic school sign, technology devices and outdoor seating.